Wednesday, August 5, 2015

New Blog Post, New Mission!

It's been a long year, that's for sure.

I meant to keep the run blog going, but got caught in a rut and couldn't get out.  Most of you who have read my blog know already that the Tuesday after running/swimming/biking in my first half Ironman - which was also the Grand Finale of a huge racing year for me and my other running feet, my amazing furry running partner was hit by a car and killed.  That was June of last year, and it does make me sad to say that I really never recovered.  

June 10th marked the one year anniversary since that awful day and I look back at the pictures and posts from last year's blogging and cause and all the positive emotions and memories that were created by those experiences and I want that feeling back.  Not just for myself, but for my other running feet and all the people who supported us.

So, what better way to get out of this rut than to tell the world, or at least my world, about what has happened in the past year and how I plan to take those tragedies that have occurred and turn them into my motivation to be stronger than ever.

The challenge is simple.  Running has never been an issue so not challenge there, but consistently sitting down to write about it has.  My relationship with running is probably one of the most important relationships of my life.  Running has been my best friend, my worst enemy.  Some of the best moments and worst moments of my life have happened while running.  Running has taught me lessons I apply to life.  Running has gotten me through break-ups, depression and anxiety (I'll go into that at another time), brought my closer to friends, hurt me and healed me.  So, with all that said, the challenge is to make sure to write about it every day until June 10, 2016.  The second year anniversary of Shorty, my beloved running partner, dying.

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