Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Never In My Wildest Running Dreams....

Last Sunday was the 3rd Marathon I ran in honor of Zachary's 10th Birthday.  It's amazing what happens when you take the energy from the people you love and shove it into the passion you've always had for something.

Over the last five months, since deciding to run 10 races for Zachary's 10th Birthday (5 Marathons and 5 5K's with my sons and family/friends) my running went from being something I did for myself and by myself, to something I've been able to share with so many people in my life.  I went from running with just me and my dogs, to running with my boys, my boys' friends, my Scouts, my own friends, and then sharing it all with you, people who take the time to read this, and most importantly, running with Zachary.  And, much to my surprise, my running is better than it has ever been.  

This one is from a couple weeks ago.  I took my boys, scouts and my Dad on a sunny fall two mile run.  A very memorable morning.   These boys now have developed a saying that I hope they remember for years to come:  Walking is for Woosies.  Yep, not the most PC, but hopefully something that keeps them running when they could just walk.  

This is from Sunday's race.  There's something to be said about spending a few hours on the trail, by yourself, pushing your legs and heart to move faster than what is comfortable so that you can make yourself and the ones you care about proud.  Because just going out and running a marathon for Zachary and those that have shared running experiences with me isn't enough.  I feel an obligation to do better than what I thought was my best, and that still doesn't feel like enough.  I beat my personal best Marathon time by 44 seconds on Sunday, 3:32:50.  I was the 2nd fastest woman in this race and although I was proud of myself and what I accomplished, I want to do more.  I'm excited about what the next two marathons will bring.  What limits I can push, what self-developed boundaries I can cross.  The sky is the limit when the love from other people is on your side.  

This week the boys, dogs and I will be training for the Virginia Run Turkey Trot.  Our 3rd of 5 5K's we are running for Zachary's 10th Birthday.  We hope you will join us.  If not, there are two other 5K races, schedule and information here:

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Run or Dye Trying! 3 1/2 Races out of our 10 are now in the books!

The 1/2 is because Carter was unable to run this VERY awesome 5K with Aidan and me this morning, his mean soccer coach (Todd) made him play his last game of the season.  So, we have a color 5k set for Baltimore on 11/17 and will get to 4 RACES COMPLETED at that point.  That means 6 races left to run after that for Zachary's 10th BIRTHDAY!

Until then, Aidan and I had an amazing time at the Run or Dye 5k at RFK Stadium.  A site where I had  run many a marathon was now turning into a location where I'd run a 5k with my son.  The love of running continues!

Two Races in ONE DAY on 11/17!  I'll be running the Potomac River Marathon and drive over to Baltimore to run THE COLOR RUN with Carter right after.

For those who would like to support our cause, here's an explanation of what we are doing and why we are doing it and how you can get involved!!!!